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VisChem Express for High School Chemistry Teachers

Moving Students From Description to Explanation with VisChem

Learn the VisChem Approach using dynamic particle-level animations, combined with constructivist teaching strategies, all informed by a cognitive learning model and the latest research on learning through multimedia, to foster conceptual understanding of chemistry. U.S. secondary teachers who teach at least one chemistry course each year are eligible. The next VisChem Institute will be held remotely three times in early 2025. 

February 22 VisChem Institute is closed. We are currently accepting applications for alternates for March and April (see table below). We anticipate some participants to drop out/not confirm; alternates will be notified via email if you are accepted to a VisChem Express Institute.

VisChem Express Institute Date

Time (EST)*

Learn more and apply button

Saturday, February 22, 2025 (CLOSED)

11:00 am - 6:30 pm

Saturday, March 22, 2025 (Full, accepting alternates)

10:00 am - 5:30 pm

Saturday, April 26, 2025 (Full, accepting alternates)

9:00 am - 4:30 pm

*The VisChem Express Institute is 7.5 hours long (includes 6 hours of professional development, a 1-hour lunch break, and 30 minutes of other breaks).

Participants will join the VisChem Mini-Institute via Zoom and experience the VisChem Approach. This approach uses carefully produced, dynamic particle-level animations, combined with constructivist teaching strategies, all informed by a cognitive learning model and the latest research on learning through multimedia, to foster conceptual understanding of chemistry. A key strategy of the approach is refinement of the learners’ internal visualizations using storyboards (drawings with explanation) of chemical and physical changes. Educational research has repeatedly shown that use of particle-level models is vital to building student understanding of reactions in solution. Participants will get access to a suite of VisChem resources during the institute (animations and storyboard templates) and will be able to download them and use them indefinitely. The institute builds teacher expertise in pedagogy that simultaneously implements molecular-level models and addresses the cognitive challenges of molecular visualizations. It supports teacher learning to help move students from phenomena description to explanation to deepen conceptual understanding in alignment with the NGSS. VisChem is aligned with the follow NGSS SEPs: developing & using models and constructing explanations; and critical disciplinary core ideas: matter & its interactions, motion & stability: forces & interactions, and energy. Learning outcomes: 

  1. Use the particulate level to explain core chemistry concepts; relate these explanations to macroscopic phenomena, symbolic representations (formulas, equations), and mathematical relationships (e.g., concentration as a crowding of particles in a given volume of solution represented as c = n/V). 
  2. Identify the limitations of dynamic molecular models generally (and specifically VisChem animations) and recognize how limitations influence student thinking and generate inaccurate ideas. 
  3. Experience VisChem tools (e.g., frames from animations, static models, sample drawings and graphics) and strategies (e.g., peer discussion, storyboarding, attention focusing, segmenting) in a learner role. 
  4. Begin to plan how to implement VisChem animations and the VisChem Approach in your classroom.

On the registration form, you can refer one or more colleagues. This will trigger a message to them with a link to this page. If they register for and attend VisChem Express, you’ll receive a special VisChem Swag Package as a heartfelt thank you from the VisChem Project!

We value your time as a professional chemistry educator and are deeply grateful for your commitment to improving your students’ learning. The stipend will be issued after the event to teachers who (1) attend 100% of the institute; and (2) submit all required materials developed during the institute (storyboards and assessments).

"Great professional development that is about learning, not memorizing! The VisChem Institute provided a concrete method to help students expand what they “know” about chemistry by helping them EXPLAIN what is happening at the macroscopic level and communicate this to others in a meaningful way at the symbolic level." 

- Katie Yankovec, Coon Rapids High School

"Using the VisChem method has revolutionized my students’ understanding of how the particulate view of matter connects to their own observations in everyday life. It does so in a way that allows kids to take “safe” risks and to show their learning by revising their own misconceptions based on small group and whole class interaction."

- Kim Curtis, Health Careers High School, 

"VisChem provided powerful tools to use with students to make the nanoscale more visible and interactive with students; and perhaps even more impactful, provided some amazing collaboration with mentors and peers with whom I've remained connected to help build my use of the VisChem approach in my practice as a chemistry educator." 

- Ryan Johnson, Thomas B. Doherty High School

Past VisChem Institutes

2020 VisChem Institute Synopsis

Learning Outcomes for VisChem Institute

A teacher who successfully completes the VisChem Institute should be able to:

  1. Use the particulate level to explain core chemistry concepts; relate these explanations to macroscopic phenomena, symbolic representations (formulas, equations), and mathematical relationships (e.g., concentration as a crowding of particles in a given volume of solution represented as c = n/V).
  2. Identify the limitations of dynamic molecular models generally (and specifically VisChem animations) and recognize how limitations influence student thinking and generate inaccurate ideas.
  3. Use VCI tools (e.g., frames from animations, static models, sample drawings and graphics) and strategies (e.g., peer discussion, storyboarding, attention focusing, segmenting) with students to effectively reduce the cognitive load associated with visualizations.
  4. Diagnose students’ alternative conceptions from drawings and descriptions in storyboards.
  5. Challenge students to notice key features of animations, to make sense of phenomena while also ignoring contextual visual information (e.g., uninvolved water molecules in the background).
  6. Generate questions that encourage students to rationalize macroscopic observations with their own molecular-level drawings and explanations, and express these using conventional symbolism.
  7. Facilitate class discussions that motivate students to imagine molecular processes as a narrative, and improve their storyboards, explanations, and quality of evidence.
  8. Help students to identify generalizable molecular behavior (e.g., competing attractions, effective and ineffective collisions) that enables them to transfer understanding to new chemical systems.
  9. Construct appropriate assessment items that evaluate students’ explanations of phenomena at the three thinking levels for chemistry and aligned with 3D learning.